Diseases can be detected from the shape of your face

Diseases can be detected from the shape of your face

The facial shape conveys a lot more to the person, not just his personality but also his health. There are a lot of diseases that can be detected if you look at the shape of your face, according to Webmd.

1 - yellowing skin and eye:

It is a sign that you have yellow or jaundice, often in infants, adults and older people, and may be more serious in adults because it is a sign of other diseases such as viral infections, hepatitis, gallbladder problems, pancreas, "Good deeds"

Most of the time it does not indicate any disease, but the examination of the skin can help you if a mole detected cancer before it spread.
A sign that you have oral herpes, so you should turn to your doctor for treatment.

4 - dry and cracked lips

Every person may have occasional cracked or dry lips, especially in the winter, but sometimes cracked lips are a sign of a health problem such as: dryness, when your body does not have enough water or it can have effects Side effects of some of the drugs you are taking
5 - rash on the cheeks and the top of the nose in the form of a butterfly

Be aware that you may be a sign of your SLE, especially if you are associated with other symptoms such as: fever, pain, stiffness of the joints and turning fingers to blue in the cold.
6 - the emergence of hair in unusual places in the face

Where the excess facial hair can be a sign of polycystic ovary.
7 - drooping eyelids and inflammation

May be a sign of a problem in the brain or nerves, and with other symptoms such as: impaired vision and muscle, difficulty swallowing and headaches may be a sign of a stroke.
- You can not move a part of your face

You should go to the doctor immediately. You may have hemorrhagic paralysis, caused by a virus that affects a nerve that controls the facial muscles, can be treated quickly and the condition improves within 3 to 6 months.