From the idea of doing .. When obsessive-compulsive disorder becomes schizophrenia?

From the idea of doing .. When obsessive-compulsive disorder becomes schizophrenia?

From the idea of ​​doing .. When obsessive-compulsive disorder becomes schizophrenia?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder and schizophrenia hear about both, but we do not know that the patient obsessive-compulsive disorder may turn into a schizophrenic patient, and that the border between the two simple line if the whispers on the person becomes more difficult to diagnose a more difficult.

This is confirmed by Dr. Sherine Dahrouj, a psychologist in the psychiatric hospital of Abbasiyah, where she said that obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental illness in which the patient has a lot of ideas and behaviors that repeat such as closing the door and washing hands and others, even if the patient was preparing rice before Prepare it.

She added that schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that afflicts the patient, and he has many ideas acquired by him and the delusions and hallucinations in different forms and separate from the reality surrounding him, explaining that the patient may become obsessive-compulsive disorder to a patient of schizophrenia if not treated or received a treatment error.

Psychological rehabilitation specialist pointed out that the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder should take certain medications, as well as individual and group psychological sessions and psychotherapy, and as long as it is properly treated, it will not be subjected to complications of the schizophrenia that turns it when the dominant obsessive thoughts turn to deeds and hallucinations. The drama was given to a woman who killed her sons in the Al-Nisa prison series when she was dominated by ideas and politics that the world was polluted and turned into schizophrenia when she killed her family, thinking that she protected them from the life they lived.