How to protect yourself from spring ophthalmia

How to protect yourself from spring ophthalmia

Spring Osteoarthritis is a type of allergic disease that affects the conjunctiva of the eye, leading to bloating and redness of the eye, and increased excretions and tears, and may lead to the presence of pain in the eye with itching may be severe and harmful.

Dr. Ashraf al-Habak, a professor of ophthalmology, said that spring ophthalmology can be a chronic condition and can be in its infancy and can protect yourself from it before it develops.

The professor of medicine and ophthalmology in a special statement for "the seventh day," that is protected from spring ointment through:

1. Children

Reducing swimming pools or wearing swimming glasses.

· Reduce foods that increase sensitivity such as chocolates.

· Use of anti-allergic droplets and remove eye congestion.

Use cold water in eye wash frequently throughout the day.

2. Adults

Wear sunglasses to protect against the sun, especially in the summer.

• Do not rub or rub the eye to ensure that no microbes are moved and cause allergies.

• Lack of indoor presence in which smoking increases.

Use of moisturizing and reducing drops of histamine.

3- Ladies

The most common cause of eye injury of ladies is the use of eye cosmetics, which causes the situation with high temperatures and increase humidity to inflammation of the eye, so we recommend:

• Avoid as far as possible from the use of eye cosmetics in the morning especially during the afternoon at high temperature.

• Care should also be taken when using contact lenses for free time, and should be washed daily with the solution assigned to them.

Use drops that remove allergy.