In the dust season .. These are Cortisone safe sprays to treat the sensitivity of the nose

In the dust season .. These are Cortisone safe sprays to treat the sensitivity of the nose

In the dust season .. These are Cortisone safe sprays to treat the sensitivity of the nose
A patient with allergic rhinitis always needs to use aerosols, some of which contain cortisone, to calm the symptoms of allergies, but there are certain types of safe sprays, which are preferred to treat allergies especially in the seasons of dust.

Dr. Baher Al-Said, a pharmacist, said that the catalysts are used to treat the symptoms associated with cases of inflammation of nasal membranes resulting from seasonal or permanent allergies that affect the nose, adding that the sprays can be used in a preventive manner to prevent seasonal allergic rhinitis. In use for two weeks to 4 weeks before the beginning of the dust season.

The pharmacist pointed out in his statements that the best types of sprays safe those containing active substances such as fluticazone, mumentazone, budesonide, tri-amsinol, clomithazone.

The pharmacist pointed out that these types of sprays do not work alone on the treatment of allergic rhinitis, but must be used antihistamines by mouth, explaining that the Cortisone spray suitable for patients with sinus and chronic allergies, in contrast to the usual anti-congestion, which is used for a long period Serious complications.