6 reasons for your doctor to choose cesarean delivery

6 reasons for your doctor to choose cesarean delivery

6 reasons for your doctor to choose cesarean delivery
"Normal and Caesarean? .." A question that concerns many pregnant women, especially when approaching the date of birth, but the subject is the only person to determine is a direct doctor and follow-up pregnancy, which knows very well the nature of the situation of this woman.

It is the doctor who determines the type of birth according to the condition of the woman, but there are some cases that they must Caesarean delivery, and provided by Dr. Ahmed Rashad Consultant Women And obstetrics, namely:

1 - small size of the basin, and becomes unable to pass the head of the fetus.

2 - stability of the fetus width of the abdomen and not the status of descent, that is, placing the fetus in the wrong position.

3. When a woman is pregnant in twins, Caesarean is better.

4- When a woman is exposed to the placenta.

 5 - Infection of women with papillomavirus and herpes, or chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, or heart disease.

6 - "Out" in case of absence or in the absence of contractions sufficient in the mower