Er is an iron deficiency anemia and Azai avoids it

Er is an iron deficiency anemia and Azai avoids it

Anemia or anemia is a condition in which hemoglobin is less than 11 mg / 100 ml and is not considered a disease but can be an indicator of a problem or disorder in the diet.

Dr. Hussein Hammam, Specialist in General Medicine, Hematology, Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantation, explained that the normal hemoglobin ratio for adults should be 13.5 to 18 in males and 12 to 16 in females.

He added: "There are several types of anemia. In iron deficiency anemia, the lack of iron-rich foods, the abundance of drinks that absorb iron, dyspepsia, stomach inactivity and frequent blood loss in women are among the most important causes."

He explained that it is possible to avoid exposure to iron deficiency in the body by knowing the cause of iron deficiency in the body if it is through the food is eaten foods rich in iron include:

- Liver, red flesh, chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

- Fruits such as apples, dates, grapes, raisins and mango.

- Vegetables such as malukhya, spinach, cabbage and watercress.

- legumes such as lentils, beans, peas and chickpeas.

- Cereals such as wheat, oats and maize.

In addition, there are some foods that help to absorb iron and include: Fruits such as guava and citrus (orange, lemon, grapefruit), vegetables such as tomatoes, eggplant, carrots and green pepper.