How does cortisone affect your bones?

How does cortisone affect your bones?

Cortisone interferes with the components of many special drugs for the treatment of various diseases, and it is usually warned against taking cortisone-containing drugs for long periods. What are the negative effects on the body, especially the bones?

Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Ghani, professor of orthopedic surgery and spinal column at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, said that cortisone has side effects, such as any effective substance used in the formulation of the drug, which interferes in the treatment of many diseases such as chest sensitivity, and the damage varies from person to person, .

He added that the use of cortisone, preventing blood from reaching the femoral bone, and after a long time, causing the fragility of bones, softness in the joints, indicating that the patient is more vulnerable to the loss of joints, especially when injecting local cortisone.

To avoid the above, the patient should follow the doctor's instructions when taking cortisone.
Cortisone interferes with the components of many special drugs for the treatment of various diseases, and it is usually warned against taking cortisone-containing drugs for long periods. What are the negative effects on the body, especially the bones?

Dr. Mahmoud Abdel Ghani, professor of orthopedic surgery and spinal column at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar University, said that cortisone has side effects, such as any effective substance used in the formulation of the drug, which interferes in the treatment of many diseases such as chest sensitivity, and the damage varies from person to person, .

He added that the use of cortisone, preventing blood from reaching the femoral bone, and after a long time, causing the fragility of bones, softness in the joints, indicating that the patient is more vulnerable to the loss of joints, especially when injecting local cortisone.

To avoid the above, the patient should follow the doctor's instructions when taking cortisone.