Treatment of medical and nutritional neuropathies

Treatment of medical and nutritional neuropathies

Neuropathy can be caused by a number of causes including trauma, chemical injury, undernourishment, infections, and genetic disorders. Sensory neuritis may appear with numbness, tingling, abnormal sensation or pain. When the motor nerves are affected, symptoms may include muscle weakness or Even paralysis in severe cases, and in all cases there are a number of appropriate treatment methods for the disease, which we offer according to the site "healthhype" medical.

Treatment of inflammation of the nerves
The most effective way to treat neuritis is to identify the cause and treat it accordingly. The treatment of neuritis alone is not integrated and if the causative agent can not be removed or controlled, accidental treatment may be the only remaining option
Medications for the treatment of neuritis
The use of drugs to treat the same neuritis, not for latent cause, is primarily intended to deal with nerve pain and depends on the severity of the pain, the drugs may also provide short-term rest for other symptoms of nerve inflammation.

- Light pain may respond to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Moderate to severe pain may require opiate analgesics such as tramadol, hydrocodone or oxidone.
Acute pain requires the use of corticosteroids although this has a minor role in chronic nerve pain.
- Other symptoms of nerve inflammation such as short-term abnormal sensations can be alleviated by corticosteroids, which is also one of the best options for optic neuritis patients because it prevents vision loss.
 Treatment of physical neuritis
Neuropathic patients benefit from physical therapy of motor nerves. Physiotherapists may use a number of methods, including:

- Cryotherapy
- Stimulation of electrical nerves across the skin (TENS)
- Acupuncture
- Acupuncture
- Massage.

Treatment of inflammation of the nerves with nutritional supplements
Dietary modification and dietary supplements in cases of neurotoxicity are considered to reduce nerve pain:

- Vitamin B12 promotes nerve growth and regeneration.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1) helps in healing nerve injuries and reduces the symptoms of neuritis.
Calcium and magnesium are important in nerve nerve conduction.
Lecithin is important for nerve protection and repair.
- Protein, also important in nerve repair and function.