Use alternative medicine to treat indigestion in children with herbs and fruits

Use alternative medicine to treat indigestion in children with herbs and fruits

Indigestion is a common problem among children in particular, pain and feeling after the stomach and digestive system. The child can be treated with natural herbs to get rid of indigestion, and in this report we learn how to use alternative medicine to treat indigestion in children, according to the site "parenting healthy babies "He said.

What is indigestion in children?
It is a pain in the abdomen and discomfort, especially after a heavy meal, and indigestion is not a disease in itself, but an indication of eating food does not fit the child's stomach, and may be a symptom of the child's disease.

Alternative medicine to treat indigestion in children

Is the best treatment for indigestion in children, and pineapple contains natural acids help to work the intestine and improve digestion naturally.
2 - lemon juice
Lemon is one of the safest foods in the treatment of indigestion in children, where you can get rid of the problem of indigestion after drinking a cup of lemon juice 48 hours.

3. Ginger
Of herbs known to alleviate problems related to digestion, as it stimulates digestive enzymes in the body, which in turn stimulates the process of digestion of food, if your child suffers from indigestion, cut the ginger and spray the salt and then make it chew after eating.
6- Coriander Green
In children, indigestion is treated, so you can take two cups of green coriander with the juice of their leaves in half a cup of warm milk, which your child can take in the morning on an empty stomach.

7 - apple vinegar
Home remedy for indigestion, and helps to move the stomach, you can add a tablespoon of apple vinegar in a glass of water with honey and make the child drink twice a day to feel better.

 8. Cumin
Digestive problems such as indigestion, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting increase the secretion of pancreatic enzymes that help digestion. A teaspoon of cumin can be placed with boiling water to relieve indigestion in children.

9 - Fennel seeds
Digestive treatment because it contains volatile oils that eliminate the problems of flatulence and nausea, can be added to boiling water and make the child drink it twice a day.10 - Fruits
To get rid of indigestion you can give your child high-fiber fruits that relieve indigestion, and these fruits: papaya, bananas, apples, pear