Causes of the virus "C" Tato and blood

Causes of the virus "C" Tato and blood

Causes of the virus "C" Tato and blood
Despite the spread of several types of treatments for C virus, as well as the efforts of the Egyptian state to eliminate it, it is widespread and widespread, and is a danger to everyone who suffered without attention to treatment, it has many complications that endanger the life of the person in the event of neglect.

Virus c
According to the website "medicalnewstoday", which published a virus report of C virus, which explained that hepatitis virus, which is the most easily transmitted disease in blood, ie through blood contact with blood
Causes of C virus
The report added that there are reasons to be infected with the virus, "C", including:

1. Move through the use of previously used injections.

2. Go to a dentist who is not interested in sterilizing his instruments.

3. Surgery in a non-sterile hospital.

4 - to establish a sexual relationship with a person infected, and the occurrence of a wound exposing the other person to injury.

5 - exposure to the liver infection without treatment, increasing the incidence of infection with "C".

6. Barbers shaving tools facilitate the transmission of C virus, and you have to buy your own tools.

7- Hemophilia increases the incidence of C virus.

8- Drawing the tato with non-sterilized instruments.

9 - dialysis in non-sterile devices.

A mother infected with C virus can transmit it to her child in case of lack of interest and consult a doctor.