The death of late physicist Stephen Hawking

The death of late physicist Stephen Hawking

"It's not more than 3 years old," doctors said of the late Stephen Hawking when he was 22 years old when he had endocardial sclerosis, but he had lived for many years, married, had children and done scientific research. After years of resistance, Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76.

But what is endocardial sclerosis, its symptoms and causes, is what the seventh day suggests, according to mayoclinic

Compulsive sclerosis is a neurological disease that destroys nerve cells and causes disability and death. It affects the brain, spinal cord and movement, and causes paralysis of the muscles.

 There is no specific cause of the disease, but it may be due to genetic factors, or due to chemical imbalance and dysfunction of the immune system, leading to the death of nerve cells, and there are some symptoms that appear on the patient:

Symptoms of endometrial sclerosis
Difficulty walking, movement and performance of daily activities.

2: weakness in the legs and feet.

3: weakness in the hands.

4: Difficult to speak and difficulty swallowing.

5: muscle cramps and tremors in the arms, shoulders and tongue.

6: Difficult to lift the head or maintain its normal position.

7: Excessive sweating.

Risk factors for the disease
Genetic factors, ie, a family member's illness.

2: Smoking, may increase the chances of infection.

3: Continuous exposure to chemicals, minerals and viral infections.

4: weakness of the respiratory system.

Treatment by some drugs that stimulate the health of muscles and nerves with breathing sessions, depending on the patient's condition.