Why do you know the damages of cigarettes on your fertility and the fetus in case of pregnancy?

Why do you know the damages of cigarettes on your fertility and the fetus in case of pregnancy?

Some girls sometimes ask a lot why I do not smoke and only men, so we answer every girl from the medical point of view just as we did before men. Both sexes must stop this bad habit, because of the health problems, but talk about girls More because it was not the norm in our Eastern societies, but it is a phenomenon that has recently spread, unlike the current situation of men.

Dr. Sherif Hetta, Public Health and Preventive Medicine Consultant, in special remarks on "Day Seven", talked about the long-term and long-term effects of cigarettes on girls when smoking. He pointed out that the current demand for smoking in various types of cigarettes, Leading to significant short- and long-term health damage.

The preventive medicine consultant added that the short-term damage of cigarettes contains substances harmful to the respiratory system and lung, as well as carcinogens causing oral, lung and breast cancer. He stressed that the long-term effect is more serious. Smoking affects the reproductive health of the girl especially when he continues during pregnancy and leads to Congenital defects in the fetus.

He pointed out that the role of preventive medicine in this phenomenon comes through awareness among girls in particular and the entire society in general, through the organization of awareness seminars and health education in clubs and various youth centers to reduce smoking.